In "The Barbie Diaries", Barbie is portrayed as a typical American teenager in high school who encounters the problems that real-life teens often encounter: making new friends, dating, gossip, and getting involved in school. She always gets beaten in everything by Raquelle, a snobby girl who used to be her best friend in fifth grade. On the first day of school, she attempts to become anchorwoman for the school TV station but Raquelle beats her to it. Instead, she becomes Raquelle's personal slave, buying her drinks and doing her work. Then, Todd(Barbie's longtime crush) asks her to the dance. Thrilled, Barbie as well as Tia and Courtney rush to buy a dress when they discover that Raquelle and Todd are together again. The mysterious woman at the counter gives them advice and offers them some charm bracelets for free. Barbie's happens to come with a diary which she writes her hopes in. Soon after, they start to mysteriously 'come true'. Someone-who she thinks is Todd leaves her love notes and her band Charmed gets a gig at the school dance that Barbie was previously invited to. Next, Barbie decides to do a piece on popular kids and 'what makes them popular'. She soon starts to neglect her friends and does not tell the popular kids that the story is actually quite mean. Barbie realizes that her hopes written in the diary 'came true' and rushes to the mall to ask the woman about it. To her shock, it is revealed that the woman never worked there and apparently does not exist. Tia and Courtney discover that it is Kevin-Barbie's longtime friend-has been leaving her the love notes. They pressure him to tell her but he refuses. Soon, Raquelle steal Barbie's so-called 'magic bracelet' and the popular kids discover the truth about the story. Barbie chooses to instead showcase Kevin's film clips depicting a paperclip chain attacking his binder. On the night of the dance(which she has choosen not to go to), her friend arrive and tell her that she has to perform with them, giving her the dress that they put on hold for her at the mall. Still worried as she has no bracelet, Kevin takes one of her guitar strings and loops it around her wrist. Barbie points out that it is a 'stupid piece of bent metal' until she realizes that that is the same for the bracelet. The girls rock the concert with Courtney finally able to do a drum stick manuveour that she couldn't do. Barbie and Todd dance until Todd reveals that he'd never written any such notes. Confused, she thinks back to other people who were in the places the notes had said. Realizing that it was Kevin all along, Barbie leaves in the middle of the dance and goes over to Kevin. Kevin gives her back the charm bracelet that he found on the ground(it had ripped Raquelle's dress and caused her to be covered with punch). She apologizes for never realizing but points out that the bizzare rhyming in the notes was a giveaway: "Who else would rhyme scary with library?" The two dance together, finally a couple.
- Kelly Sheridan....Barbie
- Skye Sweetnam....Barbie's Singing Voice
- Sarah Edmondson....Courtney
- Venus Terzo....Tia/Passing girl #2
- Ashleigh Ball....The DJ
- Matt Hill... Kevin
- Cathy Weseluck...Principal Peters/Passing girl #1
- Chiara Zanni....Raquelle
- Maryke Hendrikse....Reagen
- Michael Daingerfield....Mr. Bennet/Stage Manager
- Anna Cummer....Dawn
- Andrew Francis....Todd
- Tabitha St. Germain....Other sales girl
- Heather Doerksen....Stephanie
- Joe May....Mr. Wexler