Barbie The Diaries


In "The Barbie Diaries", Barbie is portrayed as a typical American teenager in high school who encounters the problems that real-life teens often encounter: making new friends, dating, gossip, and getting involved in school. She always gets beaten in everything by Raquelle, a snobby girl who used to be her best friend in fifth grade. On the first day of school, she attempts to become anchorwoman for the school TV station but Raquelle beats her to it. Instead, she becomes Raquelle's personal slave, buying her drinks and doing her work. Then, Todd(Barbie's longtime crush) asks her to the dance. Thrilled, Barbie as well as Tia and Courtney rush to buy a dress when they discover that Raquelle and Todd are together again. The mysterious woman at the counter gives them advice and offers them some charm bracelets for free. Barbie's happens to come with a diary which she writes her hopes in. Soon after, they start to mysteriously 'come true'. Someone-who she thinks is Todd leaves her love notes and her band Charmed gets a gig at the school dance that Barbie was previously invited to. Next, Barbie decides to do a piece on popular kids and 'what makes them popular'. She soon starts to neglect her friends and does not tell the popular kids that the story is actually quite mean. Barbie realizes that her hopes written in the diary 'came true' and rushes to the mall to ask the woman about it. To her shock, it is revealed that the woman never worked there and apparently does not exist. Tia and Courtney discover that it is Kevin-Barbie's longtime friend-has been leaving her the love notes. They pressure him to tell her but he refuses. Soon, Raquelle steal Barbie's so-called 'magic bracelet' and the popular kids discover the truth about the story. Barbie chooses to instead showcase Kevin's film clips depicting a paperclip chain attacking his binder. On the night of the dance(which she has choosen not to go to), her friend arrive and tell her that she has to perform with them, giving her the dress that they put on hold for her at the mall. Still worried as she has no bracelet, Kevin takes one of her guitar strings and loops it around her wrist. Barbie points out that it is a 'stupid piece of bent metal' until she realizes that that is the same for the bracelet. The girls rock the concert with Courtney finally able to do a drum stick manuveour that she couldn't do. Barbie and Todd dance until Todd reveals that he'd never written any such notes. Confused, she thinks back to other people who were in the places the notes had said. Realizing that it was Kevin all along, Barbie leaves in the middle of the dance and goes over to Kevin. Kevin gives her back the charm bracelet that he found on the ground(it had ripped Raquelle's dress and caused her to be covered with punch). She apologizes for never realizing but points out that the bizzare rhyming in the notes was a giveaway: "Who else would rhyme scary with library?" The two dance together, finally a couple.


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Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus


In a magical kingdom, the Queen wants to surprise her daughter, Princess Annika, with a birthday gift. When she opens the door to Annika's room, she discovers that Annika is missing, having gone to an ice rink without asking for permission. Out skating, Annika meets a small polar bear whom she names Shiver. When Annika returns to the palace, her parents are so worried and overprotective they forbid her from skating ever again.

That night, Annika sneaks out of the palace to join a festival. A powerful wizard named Wenlock appears and asks the princess to marry him. When Annika refuses, Wenlock furiously tells the king and queen the fate of their "other daughter", which surprises Annika. Wenlock magically turns everyone into stone, but Annika is saved by Brietta, a flying horse, but Wenlock tells her that she has three days to marry him, otherwise the spell will be permanent.

Brietta takes Annika to a castle in the clouds called the Cloud Kingdom. There Annika discovers that "the other daughter" of the king and queen is Brietta, who was transformed into a Pegasus by Wenlock when she refused to marry him (explaining why Annika's parents are so overprotective). Annika decides to build the "Wand of Light" to break Wenlock's spell. In order to accomplish this, they must have a measure of courage, a ring of love and a gem of ice lit by the fire of eternal hope. The Cloud Queen gives Brietta a crystal bell to ring if she is in need of help.

The group travels to the Forbidden Forest, where they meet a young man named Aidan who helps them after they get caught in a net. When Shiver and Annika fall into a giants stew pot, Annika tricks him into chaining himself to a post, and uses her hair ribbon to climb out. The ribbon is the same size as her, and as a measure of courage, it turns into a staff for the Wand of Light.

After trading Annika's skates for a fake map, the group finds themselves in a large cavern filled with gems, where a sign tells them to take only what they need. Although they get 2 gems, Shiver causes a cave-in, which they narrowly manage to escape. As Aidan starts to forge the Wand, he reveals that he ran away from his parents and lost all of his money gambling. He wishes to return to them and ask for forgiveness.

Brietta offers her tiara to make the ring of love. With all three objects, the "Wand of Light" is assembled, and Brietta transforms back into her human form.

Annika and Brietta return to the Cloud Kingdom on two pegasuses summoned by the Cloud Queen's bell, but Wenlock pursues them, hurting Brietta. Angrily Annika asks the wand to destroy Wenlock. But it does not work. Annika gives up. Finally she agrees to marry Wenlock if he changes her parents and the people back to normal persons. Wenlock refuses her for she is hateful, just like his other wives. He sneers at her, taking the wand from Annika's hand. He causes a snowslide, trapping Annika.

Immediately Aidan comes and helps to dig Annika out. Aidan and Brietta bring faint Annika to the Cloud Kingdom. After Annika wakes up, the trio go to Wenlock's place. While Brietta guards the pegasus, Annika, Aidan, and Shiver slides to the green castle. Aidan fights against Griffin as Annika searches the wand. When she finds the wand, suddenly the gem falls. Fortunately Aidan gives Annika his own.

Realizing how to work the Wand, Annika asks it to defeat Wenlock for the love of her family and friends. Wenlock turns to be an ordinary person and the spell on Annika's parents is broken. Annika shows them Brietta and the entire family celebrates together, while Aidan's father forgives him. Aidan makes Annika meet his father too. The end scene shows the trio skating in the cloud palace. Both Aidan and Annika are wearing crowns, signifying that they have gotten married. Brietta remarks that they look happy, and gifts the Cloud Queen with the Wand, who replies that it will be the first star at night.


  • Barbie as Princess Annika - A strong-headed girl of sixteen years old who loves ice skating. She often wears light purple gowns. Annika does not understand why her parents are so strict to her. Finally she knows she is wrong and she wants to have the second chance. She likes to lead Brietta, Aidan, and Shiver in the journey. She thinks she is brave by cheating the giant Ollie.
  • Summer as Princess Brietta - Annika's older sister, became a pegasus when she celebrated her birthday. She was transformed by Wenlock since she refused to marry him. Brietta is calmer than Annika. Her gown is always pink. When Brietta is still a pegasus, she can see her human appearance when she sees herself in the mirror.
  • Wenlock - Actually just an ordinary person who became a wizard. He has married three times. When he looks for the prettiest girl on earth, he finds Annika is the right person for him to be wed. He owns a flying animal named Griffin.
  • Aidan - A blacksmith. He had received money from his father, but he gambled. He lost and hides in the deepest part of a strange forest before he meets Annika. Annika's saying of second chance enlightens his spirit. He determines to help Annika create the Wand of Light from then on.
  • Shiver - A polar bear who makes an acquaintance with Annika when Annika ice skates secretly. This polar bear is named Shiver because she shivers.
  • Rayla, the Cloud Queen - Ruler of the Cloud Kingdom, where Brietta hid herself. She has many pegasus.
  • Rose, Blush, and Lilac - Three little girls who make colors in the clouds every dawn and dusk. Rose makes the clouds pink, Blush makes the clouds pink and yellow and Lilac makes the clouds purple. They are Brietta's friends.

Cast of Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus'

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Barbie Mariposa


Elina, heroine of the Fairytopia films tells her friend Bibble the story of Flutterfield, a faraway kingdom populated by fairies with butterfly wings. Henna, the evil butterfly fairy has poisoned the queen of Flutterfield in an attempt to take over the kingdom. Due to this, the lights protecting Flutterfield are in danger of going out. These lights protect Flutterfield from the "Skeezites", monsters who eat butterfly fairies, and are connected to the life of Flutterfield's queen. It's up to Mariposa, Zinzie, Rayna and Rayla to find an antidote to save the queen.


Mariposa, a butterfly fairy, is initially introduced in this movie as a friend of Elina's. Her name translates to 'Butterfly' in Spanish, and she is the basic heroine of the story. Unlike most of the other butterfly fairies, whose hair range from purple to blue in color, Mariposa shares her familiar blonde with a bit more of a brownish color to it, like the Fairytopia heroine Elina. Throughout the movie she sports pink butterfly wings.

Mariposa is shown the bearer of a character very different from most of the other butterfly fairies of Flutterfield. While the rest of the land is happy to forget the world outside the last light of Flutterfield, Mariposa loves to imagine the wide world she has not seen. She also loves to read, and much of her imagination feeds on books. We come to know of her love for stars, and she is well aware of the constellations and the figures they form in the sky. The Archer, one of these constellations, is close to her heart and essential to the movie.

She is a gentle, loving and caring person, but feels that she does not belong in Flutterfield, and is a misfit of sorts. For this reason, she does not attend parties and balls that most other butterfly fairies are more than happy to be present at. She does not believe she is capable of great things, and puts little trust in her bout of abilities and talents.

Mariposa's transformation of wings, while receiving the antidote.

Throughout the journey to find the antidote required to save the Queen, Mariposa displays sensibility and knowledge. She is the one who interferes and puts an end to Rayna and Rayla's initial quarrels over petty matters. When the three are faced by Skeezites, she comes up with the brilliant plan of carrying flowers over their heads, so that the Skeezites smell these instead of the three butterfly fairies. She is also the one chosen by her friends to 'go on' in the Cave of Reflection.

Mariposa confronts her own self-doubts and fears in the Cave, making the right choice by trusting her own abilities, and thus pleasing the fairy of the Cave who beautifies her wings by enlarging them, darkening them, and giving them a lovely, sparkling glow. At the end, we see her find faith in herself, and believe that, despite her love of reading and the world outside, she does belong in Flutterfield.

Mariposa has a very special relationship with Prince Carlos - the Queen's son and heir to the throne - during the movie. They share a number of interests and, in their first meeting, find that they have been reading and enjoying the same book.

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Barbie Fairytopia: Magic of the Rainbow


The Crystal Palace, the most notable place of the story.

Following the previous "Fairytopia films", Elina and her puffball friend, Bibble, live in the Magic Meadow, a region in Fairytopia. They receive a visit from Azura, one of the seven guardian fairies of Fairytopia. The Enchantress, ruler of Fairytopia, has instructed the seven guardians to appoint an apprentice each, and Azura wants Elina to be her apprentice. Elina thrilled by the honour, and sets off for the Enchantress' home, Crystal Palace, where she has to go to accept the apprenticeship. Along the way to the Crystal Palace, Elina and Bibble meet a Apperntice named Linden and a winged animal and make friends.

Elina arrives at the dormitories near the Crystal Palace, where the apprentices are to stay, and meets her fellow apprentices. In particular she gets along with Glee, a fairy who has a female puffball, Dizzle, as a companion who Bibble falls in love with.

The seven apprentices are addressed by the seven guardians, who inform them that one of the main duties of the guardians is to perform the Dance of Spring. During the Dance of Spring, the First Blush of Spring (resembling a pink flower bud), is coaxed open. The First Blush of Spring then releases the First Rainbow of Spring, thereby preventing a bitter cold winter of ten years to befall Fairytopia. The apprentices are to attend classes, given by the various guardians, and learn three techniques for performing the Dance. It becomes evident as the fairies attend classes that Elina is a particularly gifted fairy.

Unknown to Elina, the evil Laverna wishes revenge on the Enchantress and Elina, following her defeat in the previous "Fairytopia" films. She transforms her henchman Max into a decoy to stay at the bog, while Laverna herself approaches Elina and tricks her into performing a Fairy Undoing Spell. Laverna regains her fairy form and flies away. Elina is mortified by her mistake, but when she tries to warn the guardian fairies, they consult the looking glass and see Max in Laverna's place, mistakenly concluding that Laverna is still safely transformed. Even so, as the time to perform the Dance of Spring draws near, security is tightened and the apprentices take turns patrolling at night. The Other Apperntices, excluding Linden and Glee, confront Elina by the accident she made by being tricked by Laverna.

During patrols, another apprentice named Sunburst is injured, and all the guardian fairies fall into comas. The Enchantress herself appears and says that she will personally train the apprentices, since they will have to perform the Dance of Spring while the guardian fairies are comatose.

On the big day, the seven apprentices arrive at the Crystal Palace. They start to perform Dance, during which Elina discovers that Sunburst is actually Laverna in disguise. Knowing that no one will believe her, Elina leaves the ceremony to search for the real Sunburst. She eventually finds the real Sunburst trapped in an underwater bubble, frees her, and together they set off to the Crystal Palace.

Elina along with her friends after fighting Laverna.

Confronted by the real Sunburst, Laverna reveals herself and tells the Enchantress that she must abdicate the throne of Fairytopia and step into a spell-proof chamber, or else Laverna will destroy the First Blush of Spring. The Enchantress agrees, but Laverna starts destroying the First Blush of Spring anyway. Elina intercedes but is weakened. The other apprentices perform Luminescence, aiming their beams of light at Elina, who absorbs their power,transforms into a beautiful rainbow fairy and fights back to Laverna.

With Laverna gone, the spell-proof chamber shatters and the Enchantress is restored. Despite the damage on the First Blush, the apprentices manage to coax it to open successfully. At the graduation ceremony, the seven apprentices are applauded for their good work and bravery, and each handed a badge as proof that they’ve completed the course. Elina and Bibble, after a heartfelt goodbye to all their new friends, then she and her puffball set out for their home, the Magic Meadow.

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Barbie: Mermaidia


In Barbie: Fairytopia, the wingless flower fairy Elina defeated Laverna, the evil sister of the Enchantress, and the Enchantress gave Elina wings as a reward. This film's plot begins shortly afterward with Elina flying through the air, still having trouble believing that she has wings. Soon, Elina learns from a young sea-butterfly fairy that her friend Nalu, the merman prince, has been kidnapped by several of Laverna’s Fungi at the Crystal Cove. The banished Laverna is seeking out the Immunity Berry, a berry that causes whoever eats it to be immune to all magic. Since Nalu knows how to find the berry, Laverna had sent her Fungi to force Nalu to lead them to the Immunity Berry.

Fungus Maximus, the leader of the Fungi, threatens to pour a bottle of magical poison into the ocean to destroy Mermaidia if Nalu does not lead them to the berry. Nalu reluctantly agrees, and the Fungi take him away with them underwater. Elina arrives at the Crystal Cove a short time after this, accompanied by her companion Bibble. She finds no trace of Nalu, but encounters a mermaid named Nori. Nori had planned to meet Nalu at the cove and is unaware of the reason for his absence. When Elina tells her of the kidnapping, Nori insists on going to rescue the prince herself. Elina uses magical seaweed to breathe underwater and follows. Meanwhile, Nalu has delayed the Fungi in their quest by leading them to a place in the ocean called the Carousel of Confusion, where people forget what they’re doing. This allows him to direct them in circles for a long time before Fungus Maximus finally catches on.

Nori and Nalu from "Barbie: Mermaidia"

Elina soon reaches Mermaidia and finds Nori attempting to learn the location of the oracle Delphine so that she can ask her where to find Nalu. The only people who know Delphine's location are the merfairies, who are nearly impossible to speak with. After Elina helps Nori converse with the merfairies, they learn where Delphine is and both of them go to seek the oracle out. Delphine tells them that they will have to travel to the bottom of the Depths of Despair to find the Mirror of the Mist, which will lead them to Nalu. She also tells them that Elina will have to trade her wings for a tail to be able to swim strong enough to reach the mirror. Delphine gives Elina a magical pearl necklace that will allow her to make this trade. However, if Elina does not get out of the water in a certain amount of time, she will remain a mermaid forever.

Elina and Nori head to the Depths of Despair together, where Nori is soon entrapped by one of the hostile sea plants growing on the shaft’s walls. Elina cannot swim fast enough to rescue Nori, so she is forced to use the necklace to become a mermaid. She then frees Nori and they reach the Mirror of the Mist at the cavern in the bottom of the Depths of Despair. The mirror shows them an image of Nalu, and creates a magical bubble beacon for them to follow. The bubble takes them to the entrance of a cave filled with boiling hot thermal vents. Nori carefully leads them through, and they find that beyond the vents lies a cavern filled with magical fruits, including one that reveals the eater’s true self. When Nori and Elina reach the surface, they see Nalu being guarded by two Fungi. While Bibble distracts them, the two mermaids free the prince.

Nalu is grateful to be rescued, but tells them that the Fungi leader has reached the cave where the Immunity Berry grows. The three battle with the Fungi to retrieve the berry that Fungus Maximus has picked. They succeed by secretly swapping the berry with a similar-looking substitute, but Elina does not make it out of the water in time, and is forever trapped in mermaid form. But upon Nori's suggestion, Elina then decides to risk eating one of the true-self berries herself in the hopes of restoring herself to fairy form. She succeeds, gaining wings even more spectacular than she'd had before. Nori and Nalu reveal their love for each other and Elina returns to Fairytopia.

Meanwhile, Laverna takes a bite from what she believes to be the Immunity Berry and finds herself transformed into a toad: her “true self.” She swears revenge on Elina. In the end, Elina returns to the Magic Meadow to be congratulated by the guardian fairy, Azura, and Elina's friend Dandelion.

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Barbie: Fairytopia


In a world called Fairytopia that is "just through the rainbow," a fairy named Elina lives with her puffball Bibble in a large flower in the Magic Meadow. Since she is the only fairy in Fairytopia who has no wings, Elina is constantly teased by some of the other fairies. However, she has a friend named Dandelion who defends her.

One day Elina and Dandelion find out that the local Guardian Fairy, Topaz, has been kidnapped and that there is a sickness running around that affects all creatures with wings, as well as Elina's flower home. ELina desperately wants to save Fairytopia and Peony, her flower home. So she goes off in search of the closest guardian fairy. Elina meets the Guardian Fairy named Azura but Azura is later kidnapped by Laverna's Fungus. She sets off to find Azura and embarks on a journey to save Fairytopia. After a long and harrowing quest, Elina is able to defeat the evil Laverna, who was responsible for the illness affecting the fairies. As a reward the Enchantress gives her a gift herself, a butterfly necklace. The necklace grows her wings and Elina flies for the first time.


  • Elina - The main protagonist. The other fairies tease her because she has no wings, but she has the rainbow in her eyes, which is a sign meaning she's destined for great things. She is voiced by Kelly Sheridan.
  • Bibble - Elina's pet puffball. He is voiced by Lee Tockar.
  • Dandelion - Elina's best friend. She is voiced by Tabitha St. Germain.
  • Topaz - One of the seven guardians. She was the first to be captured. Her color is yellow. She is also voiced by Tabitha St. Germain.
  • Ruby - One of the seven guardians. He was the second to be captured after Topaz. His color is red. He is voiced by Scott McNeil.
  • Azura - One of the seven guardians and the ruler of the Fairy Town region. She gives Elina her necklace before she is captured. Her color is blue. She is voiced by Venus Terzo.
  • Hue - A giant butterfly who helps Elina on her quest. He is voiced by Mark Oliver.
  • Laverna - The Enchantress' sister and the main antagonist. She is voiced by Kathleen Barr.
  • Prince Nalu - Merprince of Mermaidia. he is voiced by Alessandro Juliani.
  • The Enchantress - The Queen of Fairytopia. She is voiced by Nancy Sorel.
  • Dahlia - a fairy who also helps Elina on her quest. She is voiced by Chiara Zanni.

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Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper


In an unnamed turd kingdom, a blonde princess and a brunette pauper are born simultaneously and grow up unaware that their facial features are identical to each other. The princess, Anneliese, craves freedom from her royal duties, especially when she is informed by her widowed mother, Queen Genevieve, that she must marry the wealthy king of a nearby kingdom because their own royal treasury is nearly bankrupt. The Pauper, Erika, craves a different sort of freedom,( possibly enough food to feed her kingdom) as she is an identured servant at the Madam Carp's Dress Emporium to work off her parents' debt.

Unbeknownst to the royal family, the royal advisor Preminger is responsible for their near-bankrupcty, He went to a casino late while his family was sleeping! His minions Nick and Nack have been stealing gold from the royal mines for some time, which is what led Queen Genevieve to believe she is nearly bankrupt. Preminger plans to announce his newfound wealth to Queen Genevieve, which he believes will allow him to marry Princess Anneliese. When Preminger learns that Queen Genevieve has approached King Dominick of Dulcenia to marry Anneliese, he decides a change of plan is in order. Preminger orders Nick and Nack to kidnap Anneliese, so that Preminger can stage his "rescuing" her, hoping that Queen Genevieve will be so happy that she will give him Anneliese's hand in marriage.

Anneliese's tutor, Julian, is sad that Anneliese will be getting married; Anneliese and Julian have feelings for each other, and have kept it secret, including from each other. As a treat, Julian decides to take Anneliese into town for a last taste of freedom. There, Anneliese crosses paths with Erika. The girls are shocked to see how identical they are, the only differences between them being their hair color/style and the crown-shaped birthmark on Anneliese's right shoulder. The two become friends, but Anneliese has to quickly return to the palace.

On the same night, Anneliese is kidnapped by Nick and Nack, who plant a fake letter stating Anneliese "ran away" in order to avoid being married to King Dominick. Julian suspects that it was a kidnapping with Preminger as the mastermind, so he asks Erika to impersonate the princess until he can rescue the real Anneliese. Erika agrees to the temporary ruse to help her friends, and surprises Preminger when she arrives to welcome King Dominick. Dominick and Erika fall in love, despite Erika's fear of being rejected when she is revealed to be an imposter.

Meanwhile, Anneliese manages to escape from Nick and Nack. Julian however doesn't know that and is on his way to free her. When there, he discovers Preminger's plan. He is on his way back to inform the Queen, but Preminger catches him before he leaves. Then, Julian is captured by Nick and Nack. Meanwhile, Annelise is turned away from the palace by a guard, who believes "Anneliese" is in the palace with Dominick and the Queen. Anneliese is mistaken for Erika by Madame Carp, and she is locked in the Dress Emporium. Preminger, who has started to suspect that Erika is a fake, discovers the real Anneliese at the Dress Emporium and takes her away to the gold mines, where Julian is already being held prisoner.

Now knowing the truth, Preminger returns to the castle where he exposes Erika as a fraud and claims that she had conspired with Julian to kill and replace the real princess. Erika, unable to prove her good intentions, is locked in the dungeon. She manages to escape, and bumps into Dominick, who reveals that he doesn't believe that Erika is guilty of Preminger's accusation. Elsewhere, Anneliese and Julian confess their love for each other and work together to escape the mines.

Preminger, in the wake of Anneliese's supposed death, has convinced Queen Genevieve to marry him in order to save the kingdom. Although Queen Genevieve loathes him, she cannot see any other option. Just as the ceremony is about to complete, Anneliese arrives. The true story is revealed and Preminger gets his just rewards.

Anneliese confesses to her mother that she loves Julian and does not wish to marry King Dominick. She has also solved the problem of the kingdom's gold shortage; the rocks discarded by the miners are actually precious geodes and the mine is full of them. Dominick confesses to loving Erika for who she is and if she should choose to, he would be willing to marry her. With Madam Carp out of business (thanks to Anneliese taking her business elsewhere), Erika chooses not to accept just yet and achieves her dream of being able to sing around the world, discovering that the place she would really like to sing is among her friends. She returns several months later and marries Dominick while Anneliese marries Julian in a double wedding.

Voice cast


This film is the first musical in the series of Barbie CGI films. An official soundtrack album has not been released to date. The songs in the film are, in chronological order:

  1. Free - Performed by Jule Stevens (Erika) & Melissa Lyons (Anneliese)
  2. How Can I Refuse? - Performed by Martin Short (Preminger)
  3. Written in Your Heart (opening) - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika)
  4. I am a Girl Like You - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika) & Melissa Lyons (Anneliese)
  5. To be a Princess - Performed by Alessandro Juliani (Julian) & Julie Stevens (Erika)
  6. The Cat's Meow - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika)
  7. If You Love Me for Me - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika) & Mark Luna (Dominick)
  8. Written in Your Heart
  9. I'm on My Way - Performed by Sara Niemietz

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Barbie of Swan Lake


The story is being told by Barbie to her little sister Kelly, who is feeling uneasy about being at camp overnight for the first time.

The story begins with Odette dancing in her father's bakery. Her sister is also shown as a fast horse rider. A unicorn named Lila arrives in the village and manages to escape hunters and runs into an Enchanted Forest with the curious Odette on her heels. Lila becomes trapped and Odette unknowingly removes a magic crystal(that was meant for whoever removed it to defeat Rothbart), unaware that the Fairy Queen is watching.

She uses it to free Lila and the Fairy Queen tells Odette that she is the chosen one for the crystal chose her by letting her take it away from the tree. She explains that Odette is the one who will purge the evil plaguing the forest, the Fairy Queen's cousin, Rothbart. Odette, not wanting to get mixed up in the situation, refuses. The Fairy Queen complies but sends Lila to escort her out and give one last try at convincing her. Rothbart appears in the wood with his daughter, cornering Odette by a tree. There she is trapped and transformed into a swan by the evil wizard, who wants to use Odette and the crystal to defeat his enemy the Fairy Queen. The Fairy Queen is able to partially counter the spell so that Odette retains her human form by night, although she will still have to turn into a swan by day.

Odette also meets the other elves of the forest: Carlita, now a skunk, Ivan, a porcupine as well as a few others. Odette's father and sister, Marie start looking for her. Prince Daniel, the prince living in the castle in Odette's village, is introduced. A spirited man, he prefers exploring rather than marriage, much to the dismay of his mother.

She also gives Odette a crown with the crystal in it that will protect Odette from Rothbart. Odette is determined to find a solution to the problem and goes to a magical libary to find it. However, they are unable to locate the book and Odette is disheartened. Rothbart lures Prince Daniel into the forest, determined to get him to hunt Odette. However, Daniel is captivated by the swan's beauty and decides to let it live. The two soon fall in love when he sees her true form.

Daniel asks Odette to a ball, but at first she denies until he finally convinces her to come. Soon, Erasmus-the troll in charge of the library- arrives, having found the book. He reveals to them that the solution is true love. Realizing that Daniel can save them all, the Fairy Queen teaches Odette how to waltz at the ball but are interupted when Erasmus is kidnapped. They manage to save him but Rothbart learns of what will be his downfall. So, he transforms his daughter Odile to look like Odette in the eyes of Daniel.

Odette races to get to Daniel but is too late. At the ball Prince Daniel pledges his love to Odile, thinking her to be Odette. Odette, who was trapped outside in swan form, is unable to tell Daniel about the trick. Odette falls to the ground, the crystal having lost its power and she mortally weakened.

Rothbart reveals the truth and he and Odile escape. Daniel runs after them and the Fairy Queen attempts to revive Odette, who is barely alive. However, Rothbart turns her into a mouse and attempts to kill Odette and Daniel. The two fall onto each other, their hands intertwined.

At that moment, the crystal's power explodes outwards, stopping Rothbart, as they two were truly in love. The two awaken and all of Rothbart's evil is undone. At last, Odette and Prince Daniel confess their love for each other. Everyone from the village and the Enchanted forest celebrates. It is revealed that Odette and Daniel are to be married and are finally happy. Rothbart gets his just desert as he is now a Cuckoo Clock while Odile is a maid.

At the end, it is shown the story has given Kelly a new resolve and she promises she will participate in the race the following day. She yawns and heads off to bed, with Barbie smiling behind her.


  • Odette is a baker's shy daughter with golden hair and beautiful blue eyes. She dances wonderfully, but too shy to be watched by many people. She is interested in a unique unicorn and follows the unicorn into a forest.
  • Daniel, the prince who loves adventure, is a good archer. Rothbart wants to trick him to shoot Odette, but Daniel does not do it because Odette is too perfect. He sees Odette's transformation from a swan to a human and falls in love with her immediately.
  • Lila, a talkative unicorn, becomes Odette's close friend in the forest. She is brave and goodhearted. She wants to get rid of Rothbart if she were Odette. She also says to Odette that Odette is braver than she thinks.
  • Fairy Queen rules in the Enchanted Forest. She is Rothbart's cousin. Rothbart wants to take over her position. Because of Rothbart's strong magic, Fairy Queen's power fades gradually. She is looking for someone who can save the forest.
  • Rothbart is an evil wizard, full of magic. He can turn into an eagle. He has a daughter named Odile. Although he is mean, he loves his daughter.
  • Carlita, a girl who turns into a skunk at night, makes a friend with Odette in the Enchanted Forest.
  • Ivan is an elf that turns into a porcupine at night. He loves Carlita.
  • Erasmus is a troll who has a library. In his library, there is a Book of Forest Lore. This book tells how to defeat Rothbart. A true love can beat him.
  • Odille is a spoiled daughter of Rothbart. She loves jewels. She is ugly compared to Odette, but she becomes Rothbart's means to trick the prince.
  • Baker, Odette's father, is worried when Odette is in the Enchanted Forest. He closes his bakery in order to search Odette with Marie.
  • Marie is Odette's sister. Her eyes and her hair are brown. She is bold. She rides in her fast horse.
  • Queen Mother wants her son, Daniel, to be married and to have children before Daniel can explore. She makes a ball to find a girl for Daniel. Luckily, her son finds and marries Odette.

Voice cast

  • Kelly Sheridan as Barbie & Princess Odette
  • Mark Hildreth as Prince Daniel
  • Kelsey Grammer as Rothbart
  • Maggie Whelver as Odile
  • Venus Terzo as Lila
  • Kathleen Barr as The Fairy Queen & Marie
  • Michael Dobson as Erasmus
  • Nicole Oliver as Carlita
  • Ian James Corlette as Ivan
  • Gina Stockdale as Queen Mother
  • Brian Drummondas Reggie
  • Chantal Sternd as Kelly & Kelly The Cygnet
  • Gary Chalk as Baker
  • Scot Mchneeil as Peddler
  • Thomas Deauluny as Tommy

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Barbie as Rapunzel


The story is being told by Barbie to her little sister Kelly, who does not have confidence in her painting abilities.

Rapunzel lives as a servant to the witch Gothel, who resides in a castle isolated in the woods. She grows up believing that Gothel saved her from abandonment as an infant. Rapunzel finds companionship in Penelope, an outgoing dragon, and Hobie, a worrisome rabbit. Rapunzel spends what free time she has painting.

The story begins with Rapunzel painting a picture of a beautiful castle by the sea where she dreams she can go to be free one day. Hobbie soon alerts her of Gothel's approach and Rapunzel just manages to get things ready in time. However, Gothel notices a smear of paint on her cheek and accuses her of that appreciating everything that she has done for her.

While preparing tea for Gothel, Penelope accidentally finds a secret staircase which leads to an old room below the manor. In it they discover a gift from her parents who allegedly deserted her: a silver hairbrush engraved with the following: “Constant as the stars above, always know that you are loved. To our daughter, Rapunzel on her first birthday. With Love Forever, Mother and Father.” These words leave the young artist questioning her past for the first time. Her diversion is quickly interrupted by Gothel’s calls for tea.

After serving Gothel her meal, Rapunzel and her friends revisit the cellar where Penolope exposes yet another secret: a tunnel leading to the nearby village. Rapunzel takes this path to the small kingdom and is able to rescue a princess named Katrina from a pitfall. Soon after, Rapunzel is introduced to Katrina’s elder brother, the handsome Prince Stefan. He explains to her that the trap Katrina managed to escape was put there by King Wilhelm, the ruler of an opposing kingdom. Enchanted by the mysterious maiden, Stefan asks to meet her again, to which she agrees, though their meeting is ended abruptly before Stefan could tell her his name when she quickly rushes back to the woods to avoid being discovered by Gothel. Unknown to Rapunzel, Gothel's pet ferret, Otto, has witnessed the entire exchange.

Angered, Gothel demands Rapunzel tell her the boy's name. Rapunzel insists that she does not know it but Gothel does not believe her. Rapunzel tells her that she cannot keep her locked away forever to which Gothel responds: Watch me. Gothel destroys Rapunzel's paint and paintings before transforming her bedroom into a tall tower and stations Hugo, Penelope's father, outside. Gothel refuses to let Rapunzel go until she tells her the name of the boy she met.

That night, Rapunzel has a dream that Prince Stefan found her tower. He came up by climbing her long hair. When up there, they are about to kiss, but Gothel shows up and separates them. Rapunzel then wakes up and reads the engraving on the hairbrush. She realizes that there is still hope. Going back to sleep, a shower of light turns the hairbrush into a paintbrush.

It is revealed that Gothel is the fiendish puppetmaster of the whole feud and is enjoying watching the two kings attmept to destroy one another.

Rapunzel is left alone with Hobie and Penelope, who cheer her up with new paint to replace the ones taken away from by Gothel. Hobbie discovers the paintbrush and Rapunzel begins to paint. It soon becomes clear that she doesn't need paint and whatever she paints becomes real. Rapunzel paints the village and then steps through, arriving at the palace gardens and meets Stefan.

She shows him the brush and asks for help to find its maker but insists that he never tell her his name. She meets a silversmith who says his brother made it, who lives in Wilhemn's side. The silversmith has not seen his brother in years, making him very upset. Stefan realizes that the feud is hurting the villagers more than he realized.

Afterwards, Stefan asks Rapunzel to a masked ball. She replies that she will meet him there. He tells that her hair is a 'beautiful give away.' Penelope soon arrives explaining that Gothel is coming and they must leave so that Hugo will not be hurt. Rapunzel leaves and paints a way out.

When back at the tower, Rapunzel uses the paintbrush to paint herself a beautiful gown. Hobie and Penelope provide a mask. Unfortunately, the paintbrushes light can be seen and Otto sneaks in. He quickly steal the invitation without their notice and presents it to Gothel.

Angered, she arrives at the tower and slices off Rapunzel's hair and breaks the paintbrush into pieces. She also manages to destroy the painting of the village. Because she thinks Rapunzel refused to tell the truth, Gothel puts a spell around her tower, which holds people who lie forever and can never be broken. Gothel then storms to King Frederick and Stefan's castle, intent on destroying them. Back at the tower, Rapunzel manages to escape with the help of Penelope and Hugo, as the spell only works if the prisoner is a liar, and rushes to save Stefan.

Stefan is lured away by Gothel who is disguised as Rapunzel but Gothel reveals herself and begins her attack. Wilhelm appears before Frederick, hoping to end the feud by force. It is revealed the source of the feud was because he believes Frederick kidnapped his daughter, who has been missing since she was an infant. Frederick replies that he planned nothing of the sort and he has no idea where Wilhelm's daughter is, to which Gothel reveals that she's the one who took Rapunzel because Wilhelm "loved" her but married another woman, as he saw her only as a friend. Rapunzel arrives just in time to stop them from fighting and Wilhelm recognizes her as his daughter.

A battle ensues, and Gothel begins to attack Rapunzel with magic. As Rapunzel runs into the royal maze she remembers the magic painting of the tower and trick Gothel into running into it—which Hugo reminds her she can't escape as she has a lying heart.

Rapunzel is reunited with her father, and marries Stefan, thus their fathers reconcile to re-unite their kingdoms, with Hugo, Penelope, Hobie living in the castle with them. It is revealed that Otto now serves Gothel but it is implied that she eventually died soon after. And a shot is seen of the couple walking along a beach, which is the same one as Rapunzel painted with a castle in the distance, implying her dreams came true. The scene becomes the painting Barbie had been working on.

Kelly now feels better and begins painting with blue which turns into the credits.


  • Kelly Sheridan as Barbie & Rapunzel
  • Chantal Strand as Kelly and Princess Katrina
  • Anjelica Huston as Gothel
  • Mark Hildreth as Prince Stefan
  • Cree Summer as Penelope
  • David Kaye as Hugo
  • Ian James Corlett as Hobie
  • Christhoper Gaze as King Frederick
  • Rusell Roberts as King Wilhelm

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Barbie in the Nutcracker


The story is being told by Barbie to her little sister Kelly as a way of cheering her up as she is unable to perform a ballet move and is afraid of going onstage.

Clara lives with her stern Grandfather Drosselmeyer and younger brother, Tommy. On Christmas Eve, the family receives a surprise visit from the vivacious Aunt Elizabeth, who comes bearing gifts for her niece and nephew. Clara receives a Nutcracker and Aunt Elizabeth tells her that inside, beats the heart of a prince. Tommy tries to take it to play with it but in the scuffle, he breaks its arm.

Clara manages to fix the Nutcracker and falls asleep near the Christmas tree. She awakes to see her Nutcracker fighting the Mouse King and his mouse army. When Clara tries to help, the Mouse King shrinks her down to his size, though he is still unable to defeat them and temporarily retreats.

The Nutcracker reveals that he has been enchanted and seeks to find the Sugarplum Princess, the only person who can stop the Mouse King from taking over his world. Following the advice of the wise owl of the grandfather clock, the Nutcracker suggests that Clara follow him, since the Sugarplum Princess is the only one who can make Clara her original size again. The owl gives Clara a heart-shaped locket from a ballet dancer ornament. This locket has the power to send Clara back home after they find the Sugarplum Princess. With that, the Nutcracker and Clara set off on their journey.

The two journey into the Land of Sweets, where the locals reveal that the rightful heir to the throne, Prince Eric, has gone missing in the wake of the Mouse King's attempts to conquer the world. Clara quickly figures out that her Nutcracker is the missing prince and he reveals that his irresponsibility is the reason why he was enchanted by the Mouse King in the first place. He knows he must take responsibility for his past actions. He hopes to redeem himself by finding the Sugarplum Princess and make things right again.

Meanwhile, the Mouse King attempts to learn more about the Sugarplum Princess but only finds one reference to her: She is smart and brave. Angered, he orders his troops to go after them in hopes of stopping the Nutcracker before he can reach her.

Joined by the arrogant Major Mint and Captain Candy, the group sets out to find the Sugarplum Princess and defeat the Mouse King, who is watching and attempting to sabotage them along the way. After crossing the Sea of Storms, the group arrive at the Sugarplum Princess' Island. When Clara is separated from the group, who are all captured by the Mouse King, she ventures alone to the Mouse King's palace to free her friends.

After being rescued, the Nutcracker fights a final battle with the Mouse King. Just as the Mouse King seemingly gets an advantage over the Nutcracker, Clara leaps in between them. The Mouse King tries to turn Clara smaller, but the Nutcracker uses his sword to defect the Mouse King's magic back to the Mouse King himself. The Mouse King shrinks into the size of a real mouse and flees into the sewers.

The Nutcracker has seemingly been injured, and Clara kisses him, whereupon he is restored to his true form - he is Prince Eric, and Clara, because she was able to break the spell, is revealed as the Sugarplum Princess. Her outfit transforms into a beautiful gown and Eric is crowned king. The couple, who have fallen in love with one another, dance as the citizens of the Land of Sweets celebrate their victory. Eric asks her if she wishes to return home but Clara says that in heart, she is already there.

However, the shrunken Mouse King makes one final attempt to defeat Clara. He swoops down on Clara upon his bat minion's back, steals the heart shaped locket she wears and opens it. Thankfully, he is knocked to the Earth by a snowball and apparently dies. Clara begins to fade and finally disappears. Eric is dismayed, crying out, "I love you."

Clara wakes up in the living room where she fell asleep. She finds the Nutcracker missing once more. She runs to her Grandfather who dismisses the story as her imagination. At that moment, Aunt Elizabeth returns with a young man who resembles Eric. Revealing him to be a friend, she insists that he stay for dinner and drags Grandfather Drosselmeyer and Tommy away. Eric gives her back the locket and the couple waltz together.The snowglobe shows the Prince and the Sugarplum Princess dancing happily in the Palace courtyard.

The story goes back to Kelly and Barbie. Kelly realizes the importance of not giving up and makes one more attempt at the ballet move she just can't do. Kelly and Barbie dance to the music and Kelly finally gets her steps right.

Voice cast

  • Kelly Sheridan as Barbie/Clara
  • Kirby Morrow as The Nutcracker/Prince Eric
  • Tim Curry as The Mouse King
  • Peter Kelamis as Pimm
  • Christoper Gaze as Major Mint
  • Ian James Corlett as Captain Candy
  • Chantral Strand as Kelly
  • Kathleen Barr as Aunt Elizabeth Drosselmayer/Owl
  • French Tickner as Grandfather Drosselmayer
  • Alex Doduk as Tommy
  • Danny McKinnon as Gingerbread boy

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Barbie and the Sensations: Rockin' Back to Earth


Released in 1987, "Barbie and the Rockers" employed standard 2-D cel animation. The film was directed by Bernard Deyries and Bill Dubay and written by Dubay, Martha Moran and Barbie creator Ruth Handler. The film was produced by Eric S. Rollman.


Barbie's rock band has just completed a successful World Tour and decides to perform one last concert in Space, while orbiting the earth, to promote world peace. Then in Part 2 ("Barbie and the Sensations"), when Barbie and her band, whose name has unexplainably been changed to the Sensations, come back to Earth, they find that they have inadvertently traveled back to 1959 (which happens to be the year the first Barbie dolls were introduced).


Here's the titles of the songs in order of appearance in "Barbie and the Rockers: Out of this World":

  • Barbie and the rockers theme
  • Catch us if you can (Dave Clark Five cover)
  • Best Friends
  • I'm happy just to dance with you (The Beatles cover)
  • Do you believe in magic? (The Lovin' Spoonfol cover)
  • Reachin for the stars
  • Everybody Rocks


  • Sharon Lewis - Barbie

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Barbie and the Rockers: Out of this World


After the first great concert for peace in space, Barbie and her band The Rockers are going to come back home. During the trip back to earth, on the space shuttle, they start to play a song ("Rockin Back"), few seconds later a "time warp" tunnel is forming in front of the Shuttle. Then they see there are a lot of clocks going backward inside the tunnel, at the end of that, the Shuttle lands on a strange airport. After the landing they meet Dr. Merrishaw (probably an astronomer engineer) and his daughter Kim, and learn they are in the year 1959, and then brings them around the city to have a look change. At the end, after a performance at Cape Caneveral, Dr. Merrishaw helps Barbie and the Rockers return to their time. Back in the present, they have a big concert, where Barbie is reunited with an adult Kim and meets her daughter Megan.


  • Rockin Back
  • Dressin Up
  • Do you wanna dance? (Bobby Freeman cover)
  • Here comes my baby (Cat Stevens cover)
  • Blue Jean Boy
  • Everybody Rocks
  • Ending Titles - Barbie and The Rockers Theme Instrumental

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